
Combined curtains: a simple and at the same time original version

Fabrics of different textures and colors allow you to create an original and modern design for any room Fabrics of different textures and colors allow you to create an original and modern design for any room They consist of fabrics of different texture and / or color. They can be hung in any room and literally transform the room. By the way, it is not necessary to run to the store in order to choose fabrics that will then make friends at the window, you can make something from the leftovers, from old curtains.

Combination curtains: how to find the best combination

The most important way is to combine two colors. With textures, everything is a little more complicated, sometimes it is simply impossible to immediately understand whether they will be combined on the window. But color is a good tool for interior transformation..

You can combine curtains in two ways:

  • Harmoniously. When adjacent colors are taken, most likely from the same color scale. The main color is taken, and next to it is the one that will play along with it. Or those – there may be more than two flowers.
  • Contrasting. In this case, individual colors will contrast with the rest, and at the same time, various interesting bright color effects will be created..

If you want to make a unique design of your room, then combined curtains are a great option for you, include all your design abilities and imagination If you want to make a unique design for your room, then combined curtains are a great option for you, include all your design abilities and imagination

According to what, by what criterion to choose colors? Well, for example, if you change the wallpaper, and then the curtains, then the answer is simple. Your curtains and your wallpaper are closely related. Look at their combination. But this option assumes that the furniture plays the role of a second violin, and it is always quite conservative with you..

If you know that the wallpaper will be approximately always the same, background, neutral, calm, then you can already combine curtains, build color stories in an ensemble with furniture.

How to combine different curtains (video)

How to combine curtains of two colors: tips

Two-tone combination curtains are a classic technique. By the way, designers advise to use it in low rooms, achieving the desired visual effects..

And this is easily explained – you make a striped design with two colors, and vertical stripes visually raise the ceiling a little..

Any person walking in step with the times can be engaged in combining curtains: the temptation to experiment and end up with a modern and fashionable interior detail will not leave anyone indifferent Any person walking in step with the times can engage in combining curtains: the temptation to experiment and get a modern and fashionable interior detail as a result will not leave anyone indifferent

And now specifically about how the colors are combined:

  1. Red and burgundy. Combining these colors together is a dangerous business, their duet is already very aggressive. You can dilute these shades with gray, gray with metallic. But such colors should then be at a minimum in the rest of the interior details. And the most standard option is red (burgundy) + white or slightly smoky.
  2. Beige range. It is a calm color that creates a peaceful atmosphere in the home. Beige color goes well with golden, as well as faded blue or green.
  3. Brown color. And this is an almost perfect color, because he manages to make friends with almost all colors, and not only his color scheme..
  4. Purple colour. A good option for a bedroom, with what to combine it – with shades of green, red, yellow. The result is a rather mysterious atmosphere, even a fabulous one, into which it is so pleasant to plunge into after a hard day at work..
  5. Blue. There is no better duet than blue + white, a good, by the way, option for the kitchen, which lacks freshness.
  6. Orange, yellow. They are joyful and very energetic colors. It is good to use them in a room devoid of natural warmth. Both orange and yellow can be combined with green, blue, red and white.

By combining different fabrics and colors, experimenting and imagining, you can create a wonderful interior element that will make your room sophisticated and luxurious. By combining different fabrics and colors, experimenting and imagining, you can create a wonderful interior element that will make your room sophisticated and luxurious.

In general, two-tone curtains are always a bit of an experiment. After all, warm lilac and cold purple can be as close in appearance as it seems to you, but in fact, in combination with other colors, they give different effects. Therefore, it is worth trying, trying on, looking for responses in yourself, and trusting an intuitive choice.

Combined curtains for the kitchen: which ones will look perfect

The choice towards two-tone curtains is especially relevant if your kitchen is large and the window on it is rather big. Or for example, a window with a balcony door.

You can consider one specific option. You have a large window in the spacious kitchen, which looks rather faded, perhaps not fully furnished yet. To somehow even out the effect of this emptiness, you need to take two fabrics – one dense, for example, the color of coffee with milk. Take the second fabric darker, for example, burgundy. But not dense, but translucent. The curtains will be on the floor, you hang them and pick up the same color, better coffee with milk, unite with each other. And there should be three such combined pairs on the window – two on the sides, one in the middle.

Combined curtains will help you create a sense of calmness and tranquility in the kitchen, moreover, this room is one of the main places where you and your family spend time. Combined curtains will help you create a sense of calm and tranquility in the kitchen, moreover, this room is one of the main places where you and your family spend time.

Such two-tone curtains are a good option for the living room..

Combined curtains: ideas from leftovers

Among the many ideas for curtain combinations, the idea of ​​creating curtains made of chintz fabric stands out in a special way, cute, unpretentious and beautiful.

You can make combined curtains with your own hands if you have pieces of fabric that are great for these purposes, but their width or length is not enough for a window. You can make combined curtains with your own hands if you have pieces of fabric that are great for these purposes, but their width or length is not enough for a window.

What you need: Remnants of chintz, very different, but not very small. And then you make a sensible sketch, where you will see how many types of chintz you use.

The main color is one, and you decorate the bottom with stripes of a different color. For example, a beige base color with a small faded pattern, and a pink and burgundy stripe below. There may also be a pink stripe at the top. Such curtains can be decorated with lace or braid, make them very cute, homely. Country style or Provence will warmly accept such curtains made of leftovers, since they are just made in its rules..

Various colors of combined curtains (video)

Combining curtains is not only effective in terms of design, but also interesting. Any experiment can end with an unexpected find that will completely change the appearance of the room. Try and find your ideal option that will help your home become even warmer and more comfortable..

Combined curtains (photo)