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All about the size of the kitchen sink

To choose the size of the sink for the kitchen, you need to focus on the following main factors. Cabinet and countertop size It is logical that the sink bowl can be as small as the cabinet, but not larger, therefore, in order to determine the size of the sink for the kitchen, first of[...]
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What should be the temperature in the refrigerator?

There are several signs that the temperature in your refrigerator is not set correctly: Food in the refrigerator freezes or is partially frozen; Food just removed from the camera feels warm to you; Products deteriorate quickly; Condensation forms on the walls of the refrigerator chamber; Ice melts in the freezer. If you notice any of[...]
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Mediterraan, Provence, Shabby chic, Landelijk, Café, Traditionele stijl

Wij creëren een keukeninterieur in de Shabby chic stijl van renovatie tot decoratie

Hou je van een eenvoudige, lichte keuken, met een mooie kroonluchter, linnen gordijnen en een tafelkleed met franjes, bloemen in vazen, sierlijke gadgets en vintage meubelen? Welkom in de Shabby Chic keuken! De Shabby Chic-stijl (letterlijk “shabby chic”) werd begin jaren 90 uitgevonden door de Britse Rachel Asheville, die dol was op het restaureren van[...]
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Средиземноморски, прованс, изтъркан шик, кънтри, кафене, традиционен стил

Морска кухня от нулата – ръководство за обновяване и дизайн

Морска кухня е чудесна идея за тези, които обичат естествени цветове, естествени материали, спокойна атмосфера и романтиката на морския живот.. Такъв интериор е добър, защото е подходящ и за двамата малки кухни, и за просторни, както за “северни” стаи с лошо осветление, така и за кухни с прозорци, обърнати към слънчевата страна. Друг бонус –[...]
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How to choose built-in kitchen appliances

Large and small household appliances are the “workhorses” of your kitchen. Buying them usually takes about 9% of the entire kitchen budget, which is quite a bit, considering how much benefit they bring every day and how long they last. Therefore, technology should be treated like an investment and chosen wisely. Our guide will help[...]
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Een sifon in de keuken installeren in 4 stappen

Het installeren van een sifon in een keuken is een zeer eenvoudige taak die maximaal 20 minuten duurt en waarvoor niet meer dan een schroevendraaier nodig is. Zeker als je een nieuwe sifon moet plaatsen op een nieuwe gootsteen die nog niet is geïnstalleerd. Maar als u een oud apparaat moet vervangen, zal de moeilijkheid[...]
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Our own master – we install the oven

A kitchen cannot be imagined without a stove and oven. Today the stationary oven is being replaced by the modern built-in oven. The built-in type of equipment requires competent installation and connection in accordance with all the rules. It is worth starting with determining the location of its placement.. See also: How to choose an[...]
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Нашият собствен майстор – ние инсталираме фурната

Кухнята не може да бъде представена без печка и фурна. Днес стационарната фурна се заменя с модерната вградена фурна. Вграденият тип оборудване изисква компетентен монтаж и свързване в съответствие с всички правила. Струва си да започнете с определяне на местоположението на неговото поставяне.. Вижте също: Как да изберем фурна в 9 стъпки Основните видове конструкции[...]
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De vaatwasser is kapot – kunt u het zelf repareren?

Als uw vaatwasser kapot gaat – hij gaat niet aan of wast de afwas niet goed, haast u dan niet om de reparateur te bellen. De meeste storingen kunnen immers met de hand worden verholpen. Eerst is het echter de moeite waard om te begrijpen hoe het apparaat werkt, wat de belangrijkste elementen zouden kunnen[...]
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