[smart_post_show id="33693"]

Стилни ролетни щори: модерен акцент в интериора

Дневните и нощните ролетни щори премахват обемистия тюл Ролетите са просто най -добрата адаптация за прозорци, които са от слънчевата страна. Може би дори единственият тип завеса за прозорци, която ще се отърве от натрапчивото слънце. Монтажът на такива завеси е доста прост, може да се монтира с пробиване или без пробиване. Между другото, напоследък[...]
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Trendy green curtains: the beauty of natural shades

Correctly chosen green curtains will help to adjust the lighting in the room. The green color scheme is so diverse that it makes it possible to choose light solar curtains, as well as blue-green massive curtains. Green curtains in the interior The harmony in the room depends on many factors, the main of which are[...]
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Stylish curtains for the living room: photos, ideas, interior solutions

The main criterion for choosing the design of curtains for the hall is the general interior concept. Textiles are perhaps the most important factor in creating coziness in the room. Bedspreads, throws, cushions, tablecloths and, of course, curtains for your living room determine how the room will be perceived. The choice of curtains, if you[...]
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Gehaakte gordijnen: een hoogtepunt in het interieur

De complexiteit van de implementatie van een bepaald gordijn hangt af van het gekozen patroon en de haakvaardigheden.Als je de breivaardigheid hebt, kun je perfect unieke gehaakte gehaakte gordijnen maken. In feite zullen deze originele producten elk raam versieren. Voor de keuken kun je bijvoorbeeld een set in dezelfde stijl maken, die er erg gezellig[...]
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Stijlvolle Japanse gordijnen: beknoptheid in het interieur

Japanse panelen of schermgordijnen kunnen een accent worden in elke interieurstijl Toen ze vanuit Azië naar het interieur van de post-Sovjet-ruimte kwamen, namen Japanse gordijnen snel hun plaats in, waardoor vele andere populaire modellen werden verdreven. Ze werden verliefd op hun terughoudendheid, minimalisme, zelfs een beetje ascese, en tegelijkertijd zijn Japanse panelen (zoals de gordijnen[...]
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New ideas for do-it-yourself curtains: master class step by step

With your own hands, you can assemble curtains from the same beads long awaiting their time in an old box Today is the time of individuality in everything. Stamping is perceived as something beaten, soulless. Therefore, if there is any opportunity to decorate your home with your own handicrafts, do not miss it. You yourself[...]
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We naaien een lambrekijn voor de keuken: 5 manieren om stijlvol te decoreren

Lambrequins zijn lange tijd toonaangevend geweest in de verscheidenheid aan gordijncomposities. Lambrequins zijn een kort gordijn over de gehele lengte van het raam. Dergelijke dwarse draperie van het raam is vaak gemaakt van dichte stof, en golven, plooien en borstels helpen de lambrekijn om sierlijker te worden. Lambrequin in de keuken: opties Keuken keuken strijd[...]
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Готови завеси: перфектният избор за кухнята

Готовите комплекти завеси са за предпочитане, тъй като не е нужно да се занимавате с избора на текстил и техния дизайн Разглеждайки снимки в специални интериорни каталози, вероятно сте забелязали, че много ретро неща се популяризират по днешната мода. Във време, когато можете да си купите всякакви готови завеси с различни нива на сложност, дистанционно[...]
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Красиви завеси с ламбрекен за залата: снимка в интериора

Ламбрекенът е декоративен елемент, който е разположен отгоре или отстрани на текстилната декорация на прозореца.Ламбрекените са елегантни, практични и изгодни. Те ще украсят най -простите завеси, ще се превърнат в логическа рамка за прозореца и ще направят стаята по -съвършена. Ламбрекените са подходящи за залата, за детската стая и за спалнята. Единственият въпрос е какъв[...]
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Stylish curtains: 10 directions for your choice

Interior textiles are of great importance. The choice of curtains is one of the most important points in the design The most important attribute of any home is, of course, curtains. Now there are a lot of their varieties, and the same variety is present in the pricing policy of this interior product. Therefore, today[...]
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Choosing ceilings for office space

A beautiful ceiling in an office can bring harmony and comfort to the overall style of the interior A good, modern leader knows that for high productivity of his employees, comfortable conditions are necessary. That is why special attention is paid to the interior of the office space. Office ceilings should combine practicality, convenience, and[...]
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