[smart_post_show id="33693"]

Оригинален огледален панел: визуално пространство в интериора

Има огромен брой разнообразни огледални панели в различни стилове Няма особени ограничения, основното е да изберете желаната форма и дизайн. Производителят днес е щедър в типовете панели – кръгли, правоъгълни, квадратни, под формата на фигури. Композиции под формата на пеперуда, птица на клон, цъфнало цвете и др.. Каква е ролята на такъв панел в интериора?[...]
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Tabletop instead of a window sill: weighing all the pros and cons

A countertop instead of a window sill will increase the useful area of ​​the kitchen without sacrificing convenience The window sill in an apartment can serve not only for cultivating flowers – it can be turned into a countertop and then the design of the room will become much more interesting and functional. The window[...]
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Tafelblad in plaats van een vensterbank: alle voor- en nadelen afwegen

Een aanrecht in plaats van een vensterbank zal het bruikbare oppervlak van de keuken vergroten zonder in te boeten aan gemak. veel interessanter en functioneler. Het aanrechtblad van de vensterbank is vooral relevant in kleine appartementen, waar elke centimeter oppervlakte telt.. De rol van de aanrechtdorpel Het tafelblad bij het raam kan in de vorm[...]
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Topiary van munten: doe-het-zelf geldboom

De geldboom is een zeer aantrekkelijk en vooral populair type vormsnoei.De geldboom kan anders zijn: op de ene bloem “groeien” de biljetten, en op de andere – munten. Beide opties zijn goed, het gaat om de uitvoering. En toch ziet topiary munt er overtuigender uit en wordt het op de een of andere manier meer[...]
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Оригинален топиарий „направи си сам“: майсторски класове

Candy topiary е печеливш вариант само в случай на тържества Фото и видео майсторски класове (MC) за създаване на topiary станаха популярни буквално през последните години. Манията за сувенирни дръвчета „направи си сам“ се дължи на наличието на такова творчество и много място за различни манипулации с занаяти. Можете да направите скромна топиария на плат,[...]
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Романтичен топиарий „сърце“: правим го стъпка по стъпка

Изкуствено дърво със сърце ще се превърне в това необикновено ръчно изработено нещо, което ще привлече погледите на гостите и ще изпълни атмосферата с уют и топлина.За дълго време сърцето представлява любов и нежност. Този символ присъства навсякъде, независимо дали е елемент, познат на всеки от битовите предмети, или може да е необичаен топиарий за[...]
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DIY vormsnoei voor beginners: tips van de meesters

De geluksboom, gemaakt met je eigen handen, zal de kamer niet alleen gezellig maken, maar ook vullen met speciale warmte.De boom van geluk, die je met je eigen handen kunt maken. Dit is wat de vormsnoei wordt genoemd, waarvan de foto’s zijn versierd met talloze internetpagina’s gewijd aan handwerken en design. Elke masterclass is op[...]
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Foamiran topiary: gracefully stylish

Foamiran is a plastic sheet material used in different areas of needlework.If flowers do not need to be made with your own hands, then the creation of such a topiary will take a maximum of forty minutes. But if there are no ready-made flowers, you have to work hard. Why Foamiran? This material is more[...]
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Original coffee bean topiary: creating a friendly atmosphere

Home comfort creates a pleasant coffee aroma, which is endowed with a topiary made of beans. In fact, topiary is a decorative tree. But now this word is called artificially created small, souvenir trees in pots. They are made from anything – natural materials, ribbons, decorative ribbons, sweets, and even souvenir bills. But here is[...]
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New Year’s topiary: a symbol of festive mood

New Year’s topiary can be made in the form of a traditional tree or in the shape of a Christmas tree It is not surprising if a master class will soon be in demand on what to give friends and family for the New Year. When ideas run out, you really want an instruction to[...]
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Delicaat vormsnoeiwerk van satijnen linten: DIY beauty

Hoe een vormsnoei van linten te versieren – iedereen kiest voor zichzelf: hier zijn de verbeeldingskracht en de aanwezigheid van decoratieve elementen belangrijk. Meestal zijn satijnen linten alleen niet genoeg, de boom is versierd met kralen, knopen, kralen en andere decoratieve elementen . Veel bomen zijn versierd met organza en tule. Elke masterclass schildert zijn[...]
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We maken patronen van lambrequins met onze eigen handen

Een mooi vormgegeven raam kan een centraal element van het interieur worden Ramen zijn het kanaal waardoor we de buitenwereld vanuit ons huis zien. De schoonheid van hun ontwerp kan een van de belangrijkste decoraties van de kamer en het hele huis worden. Modegordijnen zijn een soort fenomeen. Aangezien het ontwerp in de meeste gevallen[...]
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Organza for curtains, photo: traditional dress for the window

Organza is a transparent thin material made on the basis of viscose, polyester or silk, by twisting two fibers. Among the entire huge range of curtains, a rather modest organza has held the leading position for many years. The good thing about organza is that it will be convincing in a traditional interior, both in[...]
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