
DIY topiary ball base: 5 different options

Topiary is an original gift: in addition, you can make it yourself The tree of happiness usually has a round crown on which decorative elements are applied: candies, coffee beans, flowers, ribbons, sparkles and rhinestones.. What to take as a basis The base must be strong enough to support the decorations, but light enough so[...]
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Hoe vilt vormsnoei te maken: drie creatieve ideeën

Een zelfgemaakte vormsnoei zal u veel meer vreugde en voordeel brengen dan een gekocht product. Niet voor niets worden deze souvenirbeeldjes bomen van geluk genoemd. Zodat welvaart, harmonie en overvloed heersen in het huis, neem een ​​paar uur om vormsnoei te maken van vilt of andere beschikbare stoffen. Waar het om gaat is niet zozeer[...]
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Елегантен топиарий от мъниста: подарък за създаване на комфорт

Топиарът от мъниста изглежда много красив и оригинален. На пръв поглед може да изглежда, че е много трудно да си го направите сами, но не е. Днес ръчно изработените подаръци и сувенири са много популярни. Това придава на подаръка специален чар и стойност. Един от най -често срещаните декоративни елементи днес е топиарий – дърво,[...]
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Зимен топиарий: оригинален сувенир „направи си сам“

Зимният топиарий ще бъде чудесна декорация за вашата стая. Неговата красота и оригиналност винаги ще ви радват.Топиарият е често срещана интериорна украса, спечелила голяма популярност у нас. Топиарът може да бъде направен самостоятелно, това ще даде възможност да се даде уникалността на чудотворното дърво и дори да го надари с магически свойства. А топиарът ще[...]
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Creative patchwork: beautiful and easy for beginners

You have to work hard to start making crafts. Getting started is never easy. Patchwork also needs to be learned. Not everything turns out right away: the hands do not obey, the eye fails. For this, there is the experience of the masters. Having mastered video lessons, photo materials and a master class with their[...]
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Amazing patchwork: DIY blanket

Each patchwork product is unique: it is simply impossible to repeat it exactly.If you look at the numerous photos or videos showing patchwork things in the interior, you are amazed – such man-made beauty uniquely decorates any home. For novice craftswomen, patchwork is a technique in which you can find yourself and start decorating your[...]
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DIY patchwork bedspread for beginners: cozy and beautiful

Even a beginner can sew a patchwork blanket from squares It is not sewn so quickly, and for beginners it may take much more time, but such sewing can be the first truly high-quality thing in the house that you did with your own hands.. Do-it-yourself bedspread patchwork Review more than one master class in[...]
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Направи си сам оригинален топиарий за деня на учителя

Ако не искате да давате банални подаръци на приятелите и учителите си, тогава за вас е подходящ специален топиарий, направен от училищни пособия. Учениците със сигурност ще се опитат да изненадат и зарадват своите учители, като им приготвят оригинални подаръци. Топиарът, направен за празника Ден на учителя, изглежда много интересен и необичаен, който абсолютно всеки[...]
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Ние шием пачуърк юрган със собствените си ръце: инструкции стъпка по стъпка

Пачъркът помага значително да се намали количеството тъканни отпадъци и в същото време допринася за по -малко запушване на планетата Традицията да се намери употреба за всяко парче плат датира от дните, когато дрехите и интериорните предмети са били ушити сами . Всичко в къщата беше направено и украсено със собствените ни ръце. Сега техниката[...]
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Functional kitchen lamps: do-it-yourself lighting

Furniture lamps in the kitchen can be built-in or overhead Lamps in your kitchen make you feel like you are at home. Most of a person’s life takes place in the kitchen. This is the place where food is prepared with your own hands, where the household meets for a meal and, in some way,[...]
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Knitting in patchwork style: do-it-yourself transformation

Patchwork with knitting needles is distinguished from the traditional direction in that the elements of the products are not sewn from pieces of fabric, but are knitted from threads.In the patchwork technique, along with traditional sewing, knitted patchwork is also popular. The product is created according to the same mosaic principle, only parts (motifs) of[...]
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Elegant patchwork bedspread: a highlight of the interior with your own hands

Do-it-yourself patchwork technique makes it possible to create exclusive textiles Patchwork is a fascinating type of needlework that requires both skill and good taste. Tablecloths, pillows, blankets, clothes, bags, patchwork bedspread give the house a unique flavor. For beginners who can write on a typewriter – the first master class. Patchwork for beginners: bedspread The[...]
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Breien in patchworkstijl: doe-het-zelf transformatie

Patchwork met breinaalden onderscheidt zich van de traditionele richting doordat de elementen van de producten niet van stukken stof worden genaaid, maar van draden worden gebreid.In de patchworktechniek is, naast traditioneel naaien, ook gebreid patchwork populair. Het product is gemaakt volgens hetzelfde mozaïekprincipe, alleen delen (motieven) van meerkleurig garen worden gebreid in plaats van patches[...]
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